Here are the latest pictures.
The little blue guy that you see in two of the pictures I found in my kids' old Brio set. I included him because his height is pretty much to scale with the boat.
If you compare this to
the last set of pics you'll see that what was mostly added were railings, trim and the keel. You will also notice some holes that were made: some for cannon ports (fourth picture - I know they're a pit ragged but they will be trimmed out nice) and two at the bow called hawse holes that will eventually have the anchor ropes feed through. I had also attached some hardware: bitts that went into the holes you can see in the railing around the forecastle (at the bow) and curved bits of railing that connect the different levels together. These were pre-cast metal, but I removed them because the next step is some painting and then a few coats of varnish on the whole thing. After that is done, I'll put the hardware back on and attach the rudder.
In the second picture, you will see a curved piece of metal that cleans up the stern. If you look closely at the same piece on the other side of the boat in the third picture, you may notice that here it has been cut up. That is because, instead of port and starboard pieces in the kit, I got two starboards. Grrr! The company is based in Spain, and I did manage to contact them, but the cost to have them ship me the right parts were silly so I'm simply working with the ones I got. I went through the parts list and noticed a similar issue with some trim that will be going on the bow soon. I think in the end it should work out alright.
In the second picture, you may also notice the double wide piece of brown planking. This will be painted black next, so I used some coloured Minwax putty to fill in the crack between the two pieces (that's why it looks a little darker). The stuff comes in different colours so you can mix to match, but I made no effort to match the colour. Never-the-less, I'm rather pleased with the look of the Minwax and am encouraged because after the varnishing is done, I plan to use it to fill the numerous cracks that are in the hull - a carpenter I ain't. We'll see how it comes out.