Friday, May 9, 2008

Ship Update

Just a couple of pictures this time - just of the bowsprit.

Next comes the masts, but I think I want to get the belay pins in all the holes before doing that. I think I may paint them to, which will take a while as there are a few score of them. They are a dull iron colour. The guide pictures with the kit have them painted brass, but they would have been wood in the real thing, so I think I'll paint them a more appropriate colour. There's also the dory that gets lashed down in the center of the main deck that I should probably get in there before all the masts and rigging get in the way.

I'm taking the night off from the ship and a course that I'm taking and just watching Battlestar Galactica episodes on DVD (the new ones, not the seventies show). I got a couple of seasons worth for my birthday last month.

