... Okay?
Debbie also suggested I should try watching Lost the year before. That show I did give a fair shake but, I have to say, I hate Lost. The show stinks. I could get into all the reasons why I dislike the show (which will likely prompt the, "You f------ suck, man - LOST ROCKS!!!" type of reply - that is assuming anyone reads this), but the main reason I can't enjoy the show is how much I dislike it's principle characters: a pompous boy-scout doctor, a pretentious barbie whom I'm supposed to believe actually killed someone, and a self-righteous punk. And, I'm supposed to care what happens to these people?
Well, Heroes came out in DVD a bit ago and I took advantage of the situation to begin renting the disks from the video store. I've got to say, the thing has got me hooked. I've just finished off disk five - the first eighteen episodes down now - and plan on picking up the final episodes tomorrow. Very enjoyable, believable, characters and a well paced plot. Lost should be taking notes.
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