| Well, my brother-in-law certainly went above and beyond the call last week repairing, and improving, the network on the island. The modem and all routers had to be replaced after the thunderstorm the other week which, in hindsight, isn't that surprising. However, this time he ordered exterior routers (see picture one). There's one on the shed about half way between his place and ours, and another to service his sister.
I convinced him to get a GFI on the outlet that the one router on the shed is plugged into. The new routers can also be properly grounded (you can see that with the chain which goes under the shed and lies on bedrock). This should certainly help.
We also extended the cord on the antenna in our cottage so that we can now plug into the network in our dining room. Now if only I can get the computer away from the kids. :-)
Last night, it was put to the test with another good thunderstorm. The next morning, my computer couldn't see the access point. I went to investigate, found the power out there because the GFI had tripped. I reset and everything booted up normally.
Maybe we finally have this thing licked.
Mike |
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